Friday, June 30, 2006

Best hidden bar in w'burg

Capones, on N 9th. The sign is the vertical dark thing on the wall, just above the small door. It was named after a speakeasy in Chicago where Al Capone used to hang out. The original bar and two stained-glass windows from that speakeasy have been brought here. Its worth checking out.

Cody on 7th and havermeyer

Turns out to be a hair stylist (surprise) at Robert Cree in Manhattan.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Most used Fitness Parcourse

So many of these you see around the country sit idle or barely used, but this Parcourse (fitness stations) is always in use when I pass by it at McCarren Park. What a great place to exercise - outdoors and free.

Most used parcourse

This does't look right.

This does't look right. I certainly will not be standing under it during the next wind storm.

Xootr Push Scooters and Kick Scooters

Xootr Push Scooters and Kick Scooters

The very best way (well, maybe a close second to running) to get around when you are detouring is the XOOTR. I have been a fan for many years, and had my Xootr Street model for about 3 years. I heart xootrs. They are truly well-built, lightweight adult sized kickscooters that roll easily and are a blast to ride.

I was visiting the xootr site to buy a carrying strap, which attaches to the scooter so you can carry it easily when it is folded up, when I saw a beautiful model that was not availble when I got mine.

The Xootr MG has a dark charcoal colored, magnesium deck that is SO cool looking. Plus, at 9.9 lbs, it weighs a whole pound less than mine, and is $40 less. If only they took trade-ins . . .

Heather, this one's for you.

Nice hat seen at Union Square

Actually, the whole outfit is pretty special. He's probably an up-and-coming designer.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

W'burg art

W'burg art




East 46th st

Monday, June 26, 2006

Williamsburg Townhouses:upsizing

What brand spanking new Williamsburg townhouses look like.

What most Williamsburg townhouses look like.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Truth in advertising

Best Tag sale poster to date. It states "crap you don't need . . . at a price you won't believe!

Today, between Meeker and Havermeyer, on 7th, in Williamsburg (just in case you DO need crap).

Truth in advertising

Last of the Mermaid Parade

Know how these mermaids started out?

Undoubtedly just like this. Posted by Picasa

Photo Op - An entire undersea world

Ok let's see Sponge Bob, Mermaid, Merman, Greek in lime green?
And they are all together! It's an entire undersea village. Complete with shark. Posted by Picasa

Fabulous blue/green Mermaids

Will you check out the headdress' on these mermaids. the y are FABULOUS!

So much detail in the briny bikini top. The photo does not do it justice.

Pretty, even when wet. Posted by Picasa

Hiding from the rain

Pirates getting wet.
Dig those pirate garters. Pirates have really changed.

Slick wet silver sequined Mer people Posted by Picasa

What's a mermaid parade without blue people?

This blue tinted merskin was most excellent.

And then the rains came . . . Posted by Picasa

Assorted Fishtails

Making an adjustment.

Hey, haven't we seen that tail before? Posted by Picasa

Pirates join the fray

Pirates seem to go with memaids, and they were represented here too.

Sexiest pirate I've ever seen. Posted by Picasa


Hi girls. I like your costumes!

Will you pose for a photo with me?

Ya baby. Posted by Picasa

Deviating a bit from the Mermaid theme

Roller Derby Mermaids anyone?

Fishheads. I'm thinking foam rubber and scissors, right? Ingenious! Posted by Picasa