Thursday, May 25, 2006

Buy One $100 Laptop, Give Two to Kids - Gizmodo

I signed this pledge for 2 reasons: 1) I would like to help get more of these computers in the hands of kids who can't afford them, and 2) its just a cool piece of geek gear. Follow the link to see pic and sign up with pledgebank. They are NOT available at this point. This is more like a petition to make this option available.

Buy One $100 Laptop, Give Two to Kids - Gizmodo: "

Buy One $100 Laptop, Give Two to Kids
READ MORE: 100 Laptop, Charity, Laptops, MIT Media Lab, Negroponte', Nicholas, Pledge, PledgeBank
PledgeBank, the site that allows its users to vow to do something and then encourages others to do the same, is where Mike Liveright set up his particular pledge: he will purchase three of the MIT Media Lab's UN-backed $100 laptops at $300, giving two of them away. He'll do this only if 100,000 others will, too. This way, generous donors can keep one of the laptops for themselves and send two to those much less fortunate, presumably children in the developing world.
Liveright has gotten 1526 people to sign up so far, but the project is not endorsed by Nicholas Negroponte's Media Project, the hand-cranked computers are not being offered for sale, and even if they were, there is no specific plan to distribute all these contributed computers. If enough people sign up, though, we're thinking someone will be able to figure all that out. Charlie White
$100 Laptop Pledge [PledgeBank] (Thanks, Jonathan!)"

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